- I am deathly afraid of frogs. I was traumatized with frogs by the next door neighbor boys when I was 3 or 4. Kent and Garrett would collect frogs/toads in a large white plastic bucket. They knocked on the front door and I answered. They put frogs down my pants, the neck of my shirt, and in my hair. Urgh, the thought of the frogs clawing against my skin and peeing on me is giving me shivers but what is worse is remembering how they were croaking and a few were tangled up in my long hair. My mom came running when she heard me screaming and Kent and Garrett were in big trouble but I have never been able to get past it. If there is a frog on our back deck, I won't go outside. If I suddenly come up on one, I start jumping and freaking out to get away. Just ask Johnny Tri. He still laughs about the time I crawled up and over his shoulders and was whimpering when we came upon some frogs on the sidewalk one early morning on a run.
- I am a terrible procrastinator. I have always made the deadline, and sometimes I even get started early on the project. I am not sure why I procrastinate. I guess I work well under pressure. I even procrastinate getting out the door to get to where I need to be. I am always cutting it close. My husband hates it.
- I paid for laser hair removal and it did not work. I paid a lot of money for it. It was a bit painful. I thought that it would make my life easier. The treatments almost stretched on for 2 years. I think the hair has come back thicker. I'm pissed off about that.
- I have a Vitamin D deficiency. The normal range is to have a measurement of greater than or equal to 37.5 nanomoles per liter. My blood work that I had done about a month ago had my reading at 23 nanomoles per liter. That is considered to be a severe deficiency that can lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. My physician now has me on 8,ooo IU of Vitamin D per day. 200 IU per day is considered normal intake. I eat dairy, salmon, and get out in the sun so I have no idea how I could be so deficient in Vitamin D. I am still trying to figure that one out.
- I did not want to have children. Gulp! That is a big one. There was a time that I thought that one or two would not be bad. Then when I found out I was expecting my son I was mortified and angry about it. I did not want to tell anyone. Of course my husband was blabbing to everyone. I had a relatively easy pregnancy but the whole birth thing was awful. I never want to do that again. Now please don't think that I don't love my son. Bud is the best best best thing that I have done. I love him more than chocolate! I would not want to not have been blessed by watching him grow up. Any other kids I have, I will be adopting.
- I am really annoyed by people who spend money on an expensive bike, the flashy race kit, pricey sun glasses, cycling shoes that cost more than Jimmy Choos and CANNOT spend even $45 on a helmet. WTF??!!?? All I can say is ORGAN DONOR.
- I carry a cheap-ass purse. I have been toting around a black Eagle Creek travel wallet on a string for the past four years. It is starting to fray at the zipper and the Velcro closure is getting less grabby. I have been looking for something else but I hate purses and don't like carrying them and everything I come across is too big for my liking or in dorky girl colors or there is some flower on it.
- I pulled the fire alarm when I was in second grade and had the school evacuated and the fire department showed up. I never got caught.
- I am a bit of a hoarder. I do throw things away and clean out my closet each year and give things I am not wearing to the Goodwill store but there are certain things that I just cannot get rid of. I wish I had less clutter and someone to help me go through it but right now it is stuck in my house. I am not as bad as those people on the Discovery Health channel but I am envious of people who can have empty spaces in their closets or empty attics.
- I hate my gluteus maximus. I am a small person and I have a J-Low rear end. It makes it hard to buy clothes without having to get them altered. Pants will be tight in the hips and at the same time HUGE in the waist. Everything wants to creep up where it should not be. I hate it!
- One more for good measure...I have to get motivated to workout. If I don't have a race that I am training for, I am sure that I would be sitting on my duff on the sofa. And with that I need to end this to get to the gym to do a workout before my first client.
Ok, WAY more than you wanted to know about me. I will tag Regina, Rainmaker, and Coach Ken to be honest.
Have a great weekend. I will be down in Galveston at the Lone Star Tri festival and the Memorial Hermann 70.3 race. I will get to see tons of friends from all over Texas and hopefully I can get my picture with someone awesome!
Later Gators,
That is completely terrible what those little boys did to you!!! I can see why you hate frogs.
I don't like carrying purses either but my grandmother shamed me into it.
I kind of hoard things also!
Have a great time this weekend!
Thanks J-Lo! Oh, and I'm calling the Fire Department today on you..........
#5 I was the same. Except I never thought having one or two would be ok, ever. I NEVER wanted kids. I have one now and I couldn't be happier, but like you, I wouldn't do it again.
#10 yeah, baby got back. I so get it with pants.
I'll post my list next week, promise!!!
A J-Lo booty should mean awesome bike power. I have seen Fabian Cancellara's, and it looks like he has two little midget's packed back there...and he's got POWER!
Thanks for all the cool tidbits! Hope you had fun at the 70.3 this weekend! It was interesting to see Bozzone and Potts trade places from their prior race in New Orleans. Enjoy your week!
too funny ZardO and out of your 11 I knew 10!!
I didn't know about the fire alarm but the Frogs is too funny!! I remember that day on Memorial Parkway at o'dark early when that frog was on the sidewalk. Never see you move that fast since.. maybe we should strap frogs to the back of your bike and run belt!! hahaha.
First, I'm TOTALLY going to report you for number 8.
Second, while picking out pants may be annoying, have you ever heard a guy complain about JLo's butt being too big and unattractive? Exactly. Just sayin....
Ohh... #8!! You're in trouble!! ;)
Do I want to know more about #3 or not? I'm not sure...
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