Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Christmas Wish...

Yeah, I am still around.

I had a great time in Cozumel watching my friends Lauren and Laura finish their first Ironman race. I got to fly home in the comfort of first class sitting next to an old acquaintance and I had a great day the next day after I got home.

And then things got turned upside down. It is little stuff and it is big stuff. I have been told that what does not kill me will make me stronger and that I just need to put my head down, readjust my pace and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Easier said than done.

I have been called Scrooge because I am lacking Christmas Spirit. I'm sorry but if I see one more car with fake antlers attached to the car windows and a red pompom tied to the radiator grill, my head might just explode. Thankfully I have avoided having to hear any holiday songs by Karen Carpenter or Band-Aid singing "Do They Know It's Christmas Time..."

So what is my Christmas wish? Well for starters, more sleep. I will also take silence, like the silence of that first snowfall out on a country road. I would like caring and compassion rather than ostracism and avoidance for all people. And last of all, I want my smile back. It might be hard to find in all the logical places but if you do find it, it is free. Take good care of it while it is in your possession. If you need to hold on to it for a while, I will understand but remember that I need it as much as you do. Oh yeah, and I would like a dog.

Don't worry if you don't see any posts for a while. I will be training and you can find me on Facebook if you need to. I just need a little time to consult my compass and my map to find a new path and possibly a new destination.

Season's Greetings,



Christi said...

I don't know what is going on with you but please know that my thoughts and my smiles are being sent to you now!

I wish you the best and hope that things work out!

FYI, I think the whole rudolph thing on cars is absolutely stupide!

RunningWhit said...

Hang in there! Way to score the first class return from Cozumel. I totally agree that the car Rudolph kits are stupid and I even picked on a good friend for having one.

greyhound said...

You can go ahead and get that dog. Santa said.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Happy Holidays Coach!

Ryan said...

Hey how about this... I'll stay with you for IM Texas (I'm coming down solo) and I'll bring you my wife's mini beagle.

You'll get your smile back, you'll get a dog, I should have the antlers off my helmet by then, and the internet will show you compassion for hosting me... see everyone wins!