If you are not on my Facebook list, here are the race photos that I put on FB on Thursday. If you did not get a chance to read the race report, scroll on down and give it a glance.
Getting out of the water and heading into T2. Even though I was in the last wave, you can see I passed up a bunch of people with different colored swim caps who started ahead of me.
Leaving Moody Gardens to head out onto the Seawall and 28 miles down to Surfside, TX for the bike turn around.
Heading back in on the Seawall and almost finished with the bike leg. You can see the waves in the water behind me and tell how windy it was. Also, you will see what is left of my Dad's favorite fishing pier that was destroyed in Hurricane Ike.
This is on the first loop of the run when the sun was still out.
Somewhere between lap 2 and lap 4 on an out-n-back by the Moody Garden's Hotel and the Pyramid that houses the Aquarium. I like this photo because my muscles look like an anatomy book rendering. Strange, I know, but I think that it is kinda cool.
Offat's Bayou in the background behind us. Notice that the gal behind me is reduced to a walk. This is probably near the end of lap 2 or 3 for me since I still have a sponge stuffed down my tri top.
Here I am on the back stretch of the run loop that faces Offat's Bayou where we swam. The run course is very spectator friendly. I must be on the last half mile of the run because it looks like I have gotten rid of the sponge in my tri top. Looking cool, calm, and collected!This photo cracks me up. I have no idea who that guy is behind me and why he is looking at me. Kinda creepy and kinda funny. Maybe he is P.O.ed that I passed him on the run. Since the sponge in my tri top is gone and I see Offat's Bayou in the background this means I am probably only 200 meters from the finish. Maybe he is looking at me in awe when I blew by him as I was running my @$$ off to the finish.Put your paws up! Whoo Hoo! Subtract 1 hour and 40 minutes from that time clock....or something like that to get 5:41:05.
So after last week's spectacular performance, this weekend was a hard one with many challenges in my training. There were times I wanted to cry, throw my bike in the ditch, and pass out from exhaustion. So, stay tuned to hear all the gory details (Tuesday's post).
Later Gators,
You are a anatomy poster. You looked great in all the photos. Nice and strong!
You look figgin' awesome in these photos; anatomy rendering, indeed! Great race time, congrats!
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