Did you catch that? The need to move forward with my training and my coaching are both exciting and daunting. I have let myself stay in a job where I get paid less per day than a substitute school teacher because I was dedicated to the clients that I have been working with for the past 12 years. I had to realize that if I went someplace else, they would probably follow me. But where was I to go? If I moved to another gym, I would be in the same crummy pay position that I was already in. I might get a few dollars more, but there would also be high expectations set on me to work hours that I currently do not work and reach revenue goals that I was not motivated to reach. I had a lead on a private facility that was going to open where I could pay rent, move my clients to and end up collecting 100% rather than 40% of what my clients had been paying to work with me. Sadly, that lead has yet to materialize. So for now, I am going to take it to the great outdoors. I will have zero overhead and I will just tote around my equipment in the back of my car. I will be working out of client's homes as well. As I start to make the transition, I will be finishing off client's sessions and quietly advising them not to renew sessions because I will be taking a "summer vacation" for several weeks. I have had plenty of people that I have worked with that have not renewed sessions due to travel, why the hell can't I do the same?
I will be giving myself until June to get out of the situation that I am in. I would do it sooner, but I have other poles in the fishing hole that I need to attend to. My 13 awesome athletes that are racing the Memorial Hermann 70.3 triathlon in Galveston have their race in two weeks. My amazing 8 athletes who will be going to St.Croix for their 70.3 race have seven weeks left in their training. My kid has a bit more school left this year. And, I am still trying to get ready for the San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon.
I have ideas of what I want to do once I have moved past June, but I also know that I need to get some things in order to tackle that project. All of this is kind of scary but I have to do it. If I don't, I will continue to be unhappy with where I am at in my job and feel unchallenged. I may not be the most successful coach or trainer that is out there, but there are not too many trainers and coaches that have the knowledge that I have and can do as good or a better job than I can. I have had to work hard to convince myself of that, and a job that does not reward success other than hitting a revenue goal can grind you down. I am not into making tons of money, I am into changing people's lives. Ok, yeah, money is a good thing. I am just looking to be paid what I am worth, and right now my W-2 form says that I am a Dollar Store bargain with a 50% off coupon.
Promise to keep you updated...
Later Gators,
Good for you! The hardest part is taking that first step toward "freedom" from whatever rut you are stuck in. You know we (your creepy internet friends) will be here to cheer you on!
You have got this my dear! I know that you are good at what you do and that will lead you down the right path!
Best of luck! Plan your business like you plan your clients training and you'll be a great success!
Hi - hopefully I am not being counted as a creepy internet friend, but I wanted to weigh in and wish you the best of luck with things. Sometimes you never know where things will lead when you end up feeling forced into a change. Congrats on the marathon PR. I ran a half-marathon today and missed my PR by less than a minute - not that my PR would make you quake in fear - but it is all good. I did the race to celebrate surviving cancer by 10 years now, and that was enough reason to feel good about it - even if had been a PW (personal worst). Art
Thanks Art!
I say "creepy internet friends" with love to everyone. I have met some of the best people through this blog from all over the country and they have become great friends. :)
Yeah, define creepy? Ha, love your W-2 analogies.....
Wow! Good luck. You will be awesome and in much demand.
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